Cannabis retail licencing
“Vassos Law LLP is the most well equipped Full-Service Law Firm in Ontario to handle all of your Cannabis Licensing needs.”
The Provincial Government of Ontario began issuing Cannabis Retail Licences on April 1st, 2019. Our Clients were among the first to have their applications submitted - and based on the knowledge and expertise that we’ve acquired over the years, we’ve now helped dozens of Clients apply for and obtain their Retailer Operator Licences and Retail Store Authorizations. Just as importantly, we’ve also helped them create the policies & procedures that they need in order to operate successfully.
Our Clients can rest assured that our dedicated Team will be available to help them with respect to all ancillary needs relating to their applications and the renewal of their applications. Whether it be finalizing Leases, obtaining Building Permits, applying for Business Licences, arranging financing, and drafting Shareholder Agreements, Vassos Law LLP is ready to be your go-to Firm.
The Team at Vassos Law LLP has more than 50 years of combined experience in the Liquor Licensing Sector, having worked both with and for the AGCO for over three decades. We’ve helped thousands of Clients with their Liquor Licence applications in that time. We know what’s expected – and more importantly, we know what turns a good Application into a great one. And we’ve applied that same expertise to the Cannabis Licensing Sector.
Our Team maintains close ties with the AGCO to ensure that we remain proactive when it comes to meeting our Clients’ needs.
This wealth of experience within Ontario’s Regulatory Regime, combined with our success in other Provinces, means that Vassos Law LLP is the most well equipped Full-Service Law Firm in Ontario to handle all of your Cannabis Licensing needs.
In the new legal landscape, applicants who stand any chance of success need to have the proper plans and strategies in place.
Vassos Law LLP provides the following services:
Submitting and vigorously pursuing Applications for new Retail Cannabis Licences;
Creating strong, streamlined, and tailor-made Polices & Procedures for the promotion of Public Safety;
Providing Seminars to management and staff with respect to Management Policies, dealing with Inspectors and the Police, enforcement and occasional changes to relevant Legislations and Regulations;
Assisting with preliminary meetings with the AGCO, Public Interest and Special Interest Groups, Municipal Officials and law enforcement agencies prior to/after the submission of a Retain Cannabis Licence Application;
Dealing with Objections to Applications from the public or Municipalities;
Lease negotiation, including the preparation and negotiation of Offers to Lease, lease documents, amendments, & assisting with the exercise of options and conditions as contained in Leases.
Negotiating, assisting, amending, or otherwise providing advice with respect to Partnership Agreements, Shareholders' Agreements, Management Agreements, Joint Venture Agreements and Development Agreements;
Negotiations and dispute resolution with the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario, Resident’s Associations and law enforcement agencies;
Preparation and submission of requests for pilot projects and unique projects requiring special consideration under the Law;
Negotiations with Police and Municipal Officials with respect to the Licensing needs of an establishment;
Legal Representation during Public Interest Hearings & Pre-Hearings;
Legal Representation with respect to Provincial Offences & Municipal Infractions arising out of the Operation of an establishment; and
Appeals and Applications for Judicial Review before the Divisional Court and Court of Appeal.
Cannabis and Private Sector Retailing
To provide some insight on the eve of legalization, Adam Vassos joins Steve Paikin on The Agenda. To see the video, click here.
Cannabis in Canada: A Roundtable Discussion
Adam Vassos and a panel of experts join The Agenda to dispel some of the mystery around legalization. To see the video, click here.
Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario Should Oversee Cannabis Sales
The AGCO has the infrastructure and the experience, says lawyer Adam Vassos. For full story click here.
Contact Us
We at Vassos Law LLP know that finding the right lawyer to represent you is a choice not to be taken lightly. That’s why we offer consultations to walk you through your needs, the scope of your goals, and your budget.